Honda A17 Service

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What Does Honda A17 Service Mean?

The Honda maintenance minder service code A17 alerts you when your car is due for maintenance. The code provides you with information about which services to complete

The A17 service code means you should:

These maintenance minder codes are service interval estimates based on average driving conditions. A professional mechanic will run diagnostics on your vehicle to confirm the code and complete the necessary services to maintain optimum engine operating conditions.

How Do You Fix a Honda A17 Service Code?

1. Get An Oil Change

Your engine oil life is essential to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Good engine oil life keeps the engine cool and ensures its parts last as long as they should. 

Low engine oil levels or contaminated oil can wreak havoc on your Honda vehicle. A mechanic will drain the old fluid before replacing it. 

2. Have Your Tires Rotated

Your tires experience different driving conditions depending on their positions. Your front tires usually wear out faster as they’re responsible for much like braking, turning, and more. 

A tire rotation ensures all your tires have equal wear and tread life. With regular maintenance, your back tires get their time in front, and the front ones have time to ‘rest.’ 

3.  Inspect Your Brake System

Your brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air as you drive, and this moisture can cause corrosion and premature wear on brake system components like pads and rotors. The best way to remove the moisture is to completely flush the old fluid and fill it with new brake fluid

However, the mechanic will check your brake system and confirm if a brake fluid replacement is necessary. But taking your vehicle to a professional when these maintenance codes pop up is crucial.

When Should You Get a Honda A17 Service?

The maintenance minder A17 alert will pop up at around 20,000-35 000 miles or after 2 to 5 years of use. Keep in mind that your driving habits have a significant impact on when this code shows up

However, the more you take your Honda vehicle for regular maintenance, the easier it’ll be to complete these services even before the maintenance code appears.

Get a Honda Service from AutoNation Mobile Service

Thanks to their maintenance minder, keeping your Honda motor company vehicle in peak condition has never been easier. But you don’t have to wait for the code to activate before seeing a mechanic.

Call professionals like AutoNation Mobile Service whenever you’re ready for routine maintenance, transmission fluid service, or brake fluid replacement. 

Our mobile mechanics will use quality and genuine Honda parts to perform a Honda service right in your driveway! Contact us today for a free quote and to schedule any vehicle repair service or maintenance.

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